Thanks so much for joining us on our brand new adventure, Raise Them Well. We’re thankful for your support as we work diligently to bring you the best information and convenient, innovative products for your healthy family.
I’m going to let you in on a secret- as the wife of an Integrative MD it might seem OBVIOUS that I would make all of the personal care, food, and cleaning products in our home from scratch. I wish! I’m busy as a mompreneur running several businesses and keeping our family functioning. I’m in awe of the Moms out there who prioritize homemade creations and I’m proud of them. That said- there are many many times that I see these products and think- hmmm….ALL those ingredients.. if they could bottle that up and sell it then I would buy it!
We most definitely KNOW what’s in our products and our food and do our best to limit toxins, but we cut a lot of corners. We purchase most of our food (I would LOVE to have a garden someday) and home and personal care products, but we pay LOTS of attention to what we’re buying. It’s hard (even as a nutrition coach/personal trainer with an MD husband) to figure it all out. We want to help you take the guesswork out and bring new and original options to the market place. I’ve been doing a lot of experimenting as well to simplify home-made products so that even I am not afraid to dive in. It’s been really fun and I can’t wait to share with you!
We are parents to our sweet Adler who was born in January 2013. We are hoping to expand our family soon after suffering a 2nd trimester miscarriage in the Spring of 2015. We are hopeful that God’s plans include a big family! Throughout Adler’s short life we’ve had hundreds of ideas for improving products or creating new ones. We’re really excited to make that happen!
When I’m not working on Raise Them Well you can find me over at Momsanity– an online community of moms focusing on Motherhood, Faith, Fitness and Nutrition with my partners Debbie and Kate or working on customized nutrition plans for families in my husband’s busy practice.
I LOVE writing, hanging out with my little family, learning more about Jesus, girl-time, wine, throwing around dumbbells, running (but only fast), bringing people together, encouraging, teaching and empowering.
We’re ready to make your life easier and provide you with the most affordable, toxic-free, easy-to-use products possible! Thanks for joining us!!!